Sunday, 23 July 2017


During term 2 we have been looking at the weather. We learnt about many types of clouds such as nimbus, cumulus, stratus and cirrus. We learnt a song to help us remember what type of cloud we saw. This day we raced outside to check out the fog and here is some independent writing from our experience.

By Ella
I see crystals on the naked trees
I hear wind blowing the fog away
I smell strong steam blowing up my nose
I feel the clouds falling on my nose
I taste tiny crystals forming on my tongue

by Tony
I see blurry cars faraway
I hear Christopher in the fog
It looks like I am in the sea but it's not blue

by Eileen
I hear trees rustling along the tips of classes
I see the misty leaves rustling along the side-walk in the fog
I feel little snowflakes fluttering onto my skin
I smell smoky and misty factory smoke
I taste long snowy crystals through the surrounding clouds

by Christopher
I see blurry buildings
I hear the trees blowing

by Eddie
I see a blurry white car
I hear the wind howling
It smells like lemon

by Cindy
I see the fog covering the green grass
I heard the trees blowing sideways, one by one

by Analiese
I see big trees that look like monsters on the misty field
I feel fog surrounding me when the cold breeze blows
I hear the trees rustling in the cold breeze

by Ruby

I see a dragon in the thick, fat fog
I smell a patch of burning smoke
I hear misty wind swaying above me
I feel tiny water droplets

by Angelina
I see snowy fog clouds that looks like a big, long ghost
I feel smoke and it tastes like frost

I see the gloomy trees in the misty, light fog
I hear little droplets dropping down to the squeaky and muddy ground
I feel wind swishing into me with delight


  1. Your photos of you all in the fog are fabulous and I loved reading your fog poems. The wonderful adjectives and verbs you have used have created some really descriptive work you should be very proud of. Well done!

  2. Great writing Room 11. Your poems are really powerful and I like the way you have used your senses. Keep it up.
